John Wilson Moore
Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology, Duke
University Medical Center
Professional career: Scholars@Duke
When boardsailing began, I was an early adopter at age 60 and it became my favorite
sport because the thrill/risk ratio was so high. This photo was taken when I was 70
but I had to give up windsurfing at age 80, 15 years ago.
Because a Federal law then in effect (for it's last year 1990), required faculty to
retire at age 70, I became:
Professor Emeritus of the Dept. Neurobiology
Duke Univ. Med. Center Durham NC 27710 - e-mail:
Nevertheless, I continued to carry out NIH funded research until my grant ran out.
Then I developed a unique new "learning tool" for students to explore the
electrophysiology of nerve cells. This tool utilizes a web browser to view a wide
variety of tutorials and to launch appropriate simulations for the reader/student to
learn how nerve cells work. For example, they learn how action potentials are
generated by ion channels and propagated through a cell's complex branching
structure. The user gains insight into problems such as the interactions of drugs and
toxins with ion channels by asking questions, either guided by the text or by one's
own curiosity.
This learning tool is called Neurons in Action, now in second
version (NIA2), and incorporates the computer simulation environment NEURON which was developed at
Latest invited publication:
Enhancing the Hodgkin-Huxley Equations: Simulations Based on the First Publication in the Biophysical Journal
Abstract on line at
PubMed or full PDF
Relaxing after working on NIA2.
Curriculum Vitae
personal view of the early development of computational neuroscience in the USA
Quicktime (4 minute) video demonstrates
features of Neurons in Action.
Click on image to Play